Maths Week Ireland
P2/3 Had lots of Maths fun, this week, they wore lots of numbers on our Number Day and took part in an exciting Maths Treasure hunt!
P3/4 had a great start to Maths Week Ireland. They made calculations that were both true and false and then swapped with another group to sort. Great thinking and problem solving!
P7 have been enjoying the Target Board competition on the Maths Week Ireland website. They have been so competitive and have been using lots of Maths skills to reach the daily target.
On Friday we had a great visit from Seth's Mum who is a pharmacist. She explained how she uses Maths each day. The children helped her ensure there were the correct number of tablets (Tic-Tacs!) in the prescriptions and helped her measure out the correct amount of specific liquids. Thank you so much for giving up your time - one Primary 5 boy was extremly proud today!
P5-7 had a visit today from Mrs H's friend Jayne Kernohan from Leighinmohr House Hotel where she works as a receptionist. Jayne told the children all about the Maths she uses each day in her job. These included estimating, addition, subtraction, time, using percentages and so much more. Thank you for visiting!
Dr Humphrey visited P5-7 today to tell them all about his job as an engineer for Provizio. Currently the team are working on designing and perfecting a radar that will hopefully be used in the future on acars and on farm machinery to detect hazards. He explained to the children how a radar works with the help of a few volunteers and told them all how he uses maths in everything he does.