Groggan Primary School is a controlled primary school, which opened on its current site in June 1936 to cater for the educational needs of the surrounding area.
The school occupies a site of approximately two acres on a beautiful rural site on the outskirts of Randalstown. Currently the school has 125 pupils in 5/6 classes.
Accommodation includes a main hall which is used for assemblies, P.E., school performances, meetings and functions. There are four classrooms in the main school building and a Hygiene Room and we have two mobiles which are presently used as the P2/3 and P3/4 classrooms. A further two classrooms and resource area are to be added to the school in the 2024/2025 school year.
We have a large playground, an outdoor classroom, a football pitch and beautiful garden. The surroundings are safe and secure and provide a very pleasant learning environment for all the pupils of our school.
Mrs. J. Nicholl
Mrs M. Brown
Miss E. Clarke
Mrs A. Morren
Mrs V. McKee
Mr J. Nesbitt
Designated Child Protection: Miss P. Cairns
Deputy Designated Child Protection : Mrs. Humphrey
Designated Child Protection Governor: Ms L. Clotworthy