Chairperson: Mr. R. Ross
Vice-Chairperson: Mr. N. Small
Designated Child Protection Governor: Mr. R. Ross
E.A. Representatives (two members)
Mr. R. Ross
Transferors’ Representatives (four members)
Mr. J. Thompson (Randalstown O.C. Church)
Mr S. Thompson (Randalstown O.C. Church)
Dr A. Johnston (Grange Pres. Church)
Mrs R. McNeilly (Grange Pres. Church)
Parents’ Representatives
Mrs S. MacPherson
Mr. N. Small
Teachers’ Representative (one member)
MMrs S. McCaughey
Principal and Secretary to the Board of Governors
Mrs. C. Humphrey
Duties of the Board of Governors
• If you need to contact the board of Governors for any reason, please put it in writing, addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Governors.
Governors Circulars: