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Together we Learn

P 6/7

Identifying features of instructional writing

Hive Hackers Lesson 2 challenge

Faith Mission Bible Explorer Lesson

Minecraft Education Volume and Area

News Flash - iMovie about the disappearance of the Foyle Bridge

Time Steps Titanic Experience

Visits from Slemish, CHGS and Magherafelt High

Take 5 Day 2

Max Coding Demo

Titanic clay boats pending....

Santa run inside!

Using the helping hand strategy to bring the Titanic to life

Factors that affect icebergs melting

Floating and sinking experiment

Our collaborative Matchstick men art

Venn diagrams

Who is to blame? Titanic debate

Frustrating fun with Tangrams!

Our call with Ann-Marie, Stormont’s link officer

Anti-Bullying Week so far...

Titanic Adobe drawings

Types of lines

We entered the News Desk competition!

Maths Week

Sometimes, always, never shape investigation

Orienteering - matching map symbols

Investigating temperature on our mini icebergs for a shared recount writing experience

Tessellations using Polypad

National Coding Week - J2Easy Live

First cross circular orienteering session of the year (P5-7)

Identifying and drawing 2D shapes with Spheros

Identifying features of a recount

Exploring the repeat/loop function

Using the diamond technique to discuss the importance of each feature of a recount

Working out our partner’s number using yes or no questions

We love using Micro:bits to show animations!

Still image for this video

Problem solving and team building with IZAK9 cubes

Creating algorithms

Biggest number wins, where will you place the digits?

Together we Learn
