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Together we Learn


P5 had a great trip today around Randalstown as part of their topic of 'On Our Doorstep'. They stopped off at the Kandy Shop first to get sweets for later. Then they walked around the River Walk and up to the Viaduct where they had their snack. After that they went to the park and ate their picnic before finishing the day at The Coffee Co. They also participated in a scavenger hunt while they were walking and saw lots of local sights including the new sculpture at the Viewpoint.

The face of happiness when you get everything correct in your phonics lesson!

P5 had a great Take 5 day today. They 'Kept Learning' by doing a whiteboard Friday test, Daily 10 tables and Orienteering. They were 'Active' in P.E. learning how to do a forward roll. They 'Took Notice' by listening to music and noting how it made them feel. They also wrote and gave letters of gratitude to people who had made them feel like they matter. #take5

Finding fractions of numbers using pizzas.

Making fraction pizzas!

Coding using the microbit programme to make a flashing heart.

Thank you Jonny from Sustrans for teaching us important team-building skills through games!

We worked in groups to write our own explanation writing about a given topic.

We really enjoyed our Fighting Words NI workshop and wrote a brilliant chapter together with our own characters and plot. We also wrote our own next chapter which were all brilliant!

Spin and colour the equivalent fraction game.

Playing a game to help us understand the difference between plural nouns and possessive nouns.

Working out the fractions of each colour of smartie in one whole tube.

P5 really enjoyed their taster session with Skill School NI.

Sorting numbers into Venn diagrams using different criteria.

P5 enjoyed using their knowledge of direction to decode words in orienteering with P6 and P7.

Organising sentences to create an explanation text and giving our text a title and headings.

Using the skill of inference to understand a text.

Working on using causal connectives.

Coordinate X’s and O’s.

Sequencing sections of explanation texts and realising the importance of headings.

Football angle investigation.

Using protractors to draw angles.

Using Scratch Jnr to code shapes.

We made PowerPoint presentations of our Blitz poems and presented them to the class.

Merry Grinchmas from P5!

Christmas party day.

Our trees for the Christmas Tree Festival.

Area and perimeter treasure hunt!

We looked at the reading skill of questioning. We devised thick and thin questions about our reading book this week and quizzed the others.

P5 had a great Take 5 Friday!

We had fun looking at speech marks.

Tea staining our Blitz poems.

Thank you to Hannah from the Northern Ireland War Memorial Museum for telling us all about WW2 in Northern Ireland and showing us real WW2 artefacts!

We listened to a story and used the reading skill of visualising to draw what we imagined was happening in the story and checked to see how accurate we were.

We used the bus shelter method to divide three-digit numbers.

We started writing the first draft of our Blitz poems..

Odd Socks Day 2023 in P5!

We created our own ‘Bantometer’.

We held a class debate to help us identify the difference between bullying and banter.

We started dividing numbers using arrays and partitioning!

We participated in BBC’s Live Lesson for Anti-Bullying Week 2023.

World Kindness Day - we set ourselves the challenge for the rest of the month of November to make a random acts of kindness paper chain the length of our classroom. These were only the acts of kindness for one day so we think we can make it reach further!

World Kindness Day - we watched a video all about being kind and answered quiz questions on the video on our Chromebooks.

The beginning of our Anderson shelters!

We used the text features to predict what our new reading books were about. We will find out if we were right at the end of the week!

On Friday we led a special assembly to tell everyone all about Remembrance Day and what we have learned about WW2 so far!

We learned all about how to keep safe online in a workshop with Allstate!

P5 have been learning how to work out durations of time this week. They carried out a stopwatch investigation to measure how long it takes them to do certain tasks and learned how to read and understand different types of timetables.

Maths Week Day 5 - P5 finished off a brilliant Maths Week with Number Day. We heard from Mrs Houston and how she uses Maths everyday as a pharmacist. We also added up all our numbers together and won the prize for the biggest total!

Maths Week Day 4 - P5, P6 and P7 had a visit from Ms Clarke who told us about how she uses Maths as a Food and Nutrition teacher and we got to make fifteens which we enjoyed later.

Maths Week Day 3 - P5 had a visit from Mrs Hamill who talked about how she uses Maths in her job, worked hard to get on the daily target board leader board and were very competitive in their Place Value Battles!

Maths Week Day 2 - P5, along with P6 and P7, had a visit from Dr Humphrey and Mrs Kernohan who told us all about how they use Maths in their jobs every day. P5 and P7 also made it onto the daily target board leader board!

P5 had a super start to Maths Week 2023. We started the annual target board challenge and completed the 'Digging Deep' problem!

P5 enjoyed participating in orienteering with P6 and P7 using map keys to match the descriptions to the correct pictures.

We started looking at multiplying 2-digit numbers by single digit numbers. We used post it notes to remind us to carry over our ten to the tens column!

We love playing games to help us learn our multiplication facts!

Our investigation to find out which materials would be best at creating a blackout. We also learned what the words opaque, translucent and transparent meant!

We learned all about the Blitz and created these amazing Blitz skylines!

We analysed real life pictures of the Blitz.

We enjoyed making our own quadrilateral shapes using the Geoboard app!

We investigated the properties of quadrilaterals.

Our first Take 5 Friday!

We learned how to plan our narrative writing in a story mountain!

Our right angle hunt!

We investigated lines of symmetry in 2D shapes.

We used atlases to locate the countries involved in WW2!

We worked together to come up with our own story openings.

We made fact files all about Adolf Hitler.

Having fun with place value!

Designing our very own water wheels!

Investigating 3D shape nets

We made our own currency into badges!

Making Easter Cards for our Millquarter Primary friends

Mummifying our classmates!

Creating Animations

W5 Dreamspace

Dunclug College Coding Day

Still image for this video
Well done to every group that completed the robot challenge. Thank you to Dunclug College for an amazing afternoon!

Historical Bingo

Peer assessing recorded poems

Finding remainders

Santa Run

Playball - Funday!

PDMU - Tableaux showing emotions