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Together we Learn

P 7

Live lesson for Internet Safety Day with Adobe

P7 are completing an online safety course through EE

We love Reading Buddies!

Comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting domino fractions

Making contraction cards!

Our P7 drama team for open day!

INOV8 at Cullybackey College

Fraction snap

Playball PE session

Business Beginnings Live lesson

3 decimal places task board

Our cloud markup

Tinfoil boat investigation

Visit from Ballymena Academy

The Farmers Sheep Investigation

Working towards our Coding in Minecraft badges!

Hour of Code

Today Primary 7 took part in a Stretch Resilience workshop with Richard Reid Coaching. They explored gratitude as a powerful tool to shift perspective., De Bono’s Thinking Hats to approach challenges with creativity and clarity. Growth Mindset to embrace challenges and view mistakes as opportunities to learn. The children and Richard discussed the importance of building a Resilience Team - a network of support for those times when our own resolve needs a little extra help. Thank you Richard for a great session!

P7 Treat Day

Treat lunch! SEAG done!

Bringing our direct speech punctuation to life!

We discussed choosing respect in sports

We created a respect web to show it is a shared responsibility!

Peer assessing our Titanic drawings on Google Classroom

What makes a good leader? Using Joshua from the Bible as an example

24 game

Apostrophes game

Creating their own paths to practise balance and jumping

Multiple snap

Sustrans gave us some great reflectors!

Creating algorithms for our unplugged monsters made from Numicon and Lego

Sudoku - to work on our perseverance, tinkering and decomposition!

Primary 7's Last First Day 27th August 2024

Together we Learn
