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ACTIV8 at Cullybackey

We made our own chocolate!

P6 prize day

Parkhall visit

Ballymena Academy taster day

Cambridge House taster day

Any Warhol Pop Art

Sports Day Winners!

Aunt Sandra’s candy shop class trip!

Using decision trees

How’s it made? PowerPoints

Using AI to create songs, worlds and animations!

How’s slime made?

Using protractors

Identifying features of Explanation texts

Coaching for Christ session

Second session of tag rugby with Ryan

Another successful Take 5 day!

Farm visitors

How's it made?

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How's it made?

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Reduce, reuse, recycle

Drawing different types of angles using J2code Logo

Our human robots are now following algorithms to stack cups

Writing algorithms for our human robots

Splat with our times tables!

Our Microbit Animations

Our big wheel!

P6 Assembly ✅ Ask us all about Hygge!

World Book Day orienteering!

Measuring and creating a plan for a 30m Viking Longship

Orienteering fun!

2 of our Digital Leaders teaching P6

Exploring 3D nets

Coding with Microbits (even making a step counter!)

Vocabulary Day

Symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes in gymnastics

Human alphabetical order

How did Vikings keep warm experiment

Children’s Mental Health Week and Take 5 day!

Internet Safety Day

Exploring MakeCode

Session 3/3 on Sleep with Mark!

Exploring Carroll Diagrams

Vikings- given answers to come up with the questions

Exploring volume

Take 5 session with Jonny (Sustrans)

Bird watching with RSPB

Viking shields

Working on our connectives

A Friday Numeracy Investigation that got all minds going!

Exploring special numbers: cube, square and triangular numbers!

Christmas duck hunt

Pop up Christmas cards

24 hour time hunt

Venn Diagrams

Exploring prefixes and suffixes

Working on our tenses

Odd Socks Day

Adobe Express Anti-bullying workshop

World Kindness day with the kindest bunch!

We made a Google Form for our peers to fill out!

Area hunting!

Staying safe online workshop with Allstate

Beginning of our 3D models of hot air balloons

Predicting with evidence

Problem solving with IZAK9

Certificates for working on our confidence with Mark

Maths Week was so fun!

Guided Writing - A Persuasive Advertisement

Using our ‘Maths eyes’ to see the so world!

Pedal ready course

Dream Space Live event using MakeCode Arcade

'Oh My Word' with Jenny from RiseNI

Building our resilience through looking at our strengths with Mark!

Playing 2D Top Trumps

Sound stories for a bird taking flight

Finding mistakes - Capital letters

Mental Maths is fun!

Our Persuasive writing journey so far...

Solving problems using the Izak9 cubes

Rugby development sessions

Exploring Place Value

Improvision in drama

Daily Mile in action

Flight- comparing birds

P6 2023/24

Domino probability!

Using our UV ray beads

Cycling Level 1

It’s your move!

Abode Create - Creating a video about a healthy lifestyle

Coronation Day fun!

Non Chronological reports - Exploring features

World daily mile!

Izak9 live lesson!

Bible Exhibition!

A visitor to tell P7 all about engineering in a hospital!

The big wheel!

Happy Easter from Groggan Primary!

Animating with Nerve and MQ

Building art straw bridges!

Well done those that took part in the Knexx Challenge!

A visit from the Historical Society to tell us about the history of the Viaduct as part of our ‘Bridges’ topic!

Developing our map skills - Orienteering

Bee Safe Event

Leavers hoodies have arrived!

World Maths Day

Making clay pinch pots

3D shape investigations

Max Coding demonstration

Museum on the Mound - Digital workshop

Friday morning problem solving

Our take 5 day, including connecting with each other, brain breaks and music therapy.

We love to take part in an Izak9 lesson!


We constructed bridges, then we created instructions to build them!

Stepping Stones business programme

Internet safety gaming workshop

Number Day

Investigating how to build a strong bridge

Put instructions in order and identifying their features!

Instructional modelled writing for making jelly!

A fun visit from Hillstown Seniors!

Exploring area and volume through Minecraft Education

Evaluating lots of instructional writing examples

Sorting bridges into lots of different categories

IN0V8 trip

Izak9 live lesson

In Literacy today Primary 6/7 were inferring characters' thoughts and feelings from their novels.

RSPB visit

Christmas party fun!

Take 5 Day 2

Titanic centre trip

P7 treat day

A Christmas concert trip

Testing our homemade boats!

A World Cup special orienteering

A fun session with Playball!

A rugby session

Anti-bullying week 2022

Art gallery viewing of each other’s poetry

P7 investigating angles!

Salt and egg experiment

We love mental maths games!

Our visit from Susie Millar, the author of Two Pennies!

Tinfoil Boat Investigation

Maths Week 2022 live quiz!

P7 love playing place value games!

World Mental Health Day

Inter-generational Boccia event

Our first Take 5 day - Be Active, Connect, Give, Keep Learning and Notice

A resilience workshop by the Red Cross

Our visitors this week - Eve from SUNI and a Jujitsu demonstration

Beginning to use Google Classroom

Floating and sinking experiment

Some dramatic scenes, boarding and sinking of the Titanic

Friday Investigations

Our shape and space work

Connect and Nurture

In memory of the Queen, our collaborative art

Exploring asking open and closed questions!

Our recount writing journey!

Exploring a Titanic passenger database on Just2Easy

Orienteering with P5/6

This P6 star has made the Titanic from Lego, P6/7 WAU topic this year is Unsinkable. A fantastic effort!

Leaver's Assembly introductory video

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Leaver’s Assembly video

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Leaver’s Assembly videos

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The leaver party was a great hit! Games, food and dancing! What a night! 🎉 🪩

We loved our cake 🎂

We had an enjoyable morning at the Bowls stadium in Parkgate this morning.

The Jungle 🙉 🦙 🚤

Last but not least our final P7 VIP! ⭐️

Thursdays are happy days for VIP’s! ⭐️

A very smiley VIP ⭐️

VIP ⭐️😊

Some of the Primary 6/7 children were lucky to be taught about good honest food and how it is affordable to make meals. The children even got a sample, chilli beef pasta is super yummy! 🤤 🌶

What a fantastic achievement! 4 million words within an academic year! 📚

Monday’s VIP is oh so happy 😀

It was P7’s last session with Eve from SU, we enjoyed our sessions and had a surprise visit from Rev Kelly! 😊

VIP ⭐️ What a way to start the weekend!

Thursday’s VIP ⭐️

Wednesday’s VIP ⭐️

Another VIP ready for the privileges! ⭐️

Monday’s VIP! ⭐️

Eve came in to deliver our 2nd session of It’s Your Move!

What a great day to be a VIP!

VIP looking excited for today’s perks!

Tuesday’s VIP ⭐️

Smartie probability was a hit in P6/7 this morning, who knew this was such a tasty activity. 🍬

VIP 4 😊⭐️

We enjoyed having Eve in from Scripture Union talking about transition and changes we will be facing soon!

VIP 3 - what a day to be VIP! ⭐️

VIP 2 - someone’s happy about the privileges! ⭐️

Our first VIP ⭐️

Jack came to visit P7 to talk about jobs in IT, we learnt a lot from Bring I.T. ON programme!

We enjoyed having Karen in for musical therapy.

PSNI were in to talk about bicycle safety. We got lots of goodies and some helpful information. 🚴 🪖

We enjoyed having an assembly today with Robert Armstrong and learning about Jonah.

We linked up with LGNI yesterday and spoke to people about our experiences with Maine Fold! The children spoke so well and stole the show.

Colette was in talking to P7 today about transition and what we are thinking about what might happen next year. 🏫

Vocabulary Day was a blast!

We had lots of fun painting and creating our runes slab.

P7 had a ball at the Maine Fold today. We enjoyed getting to know the residents at Maine Fold more, playing and sharing our knowledge of board games and learning a little more about where they live and their hobbies. The lunch was also yummy. Thank you for the time and sweets we received and also to the policing community team who came to join us and gave us some fabulous goodie bags!

Some Penpal writing going on today for our friends at Maine Fold! ❤️

We took a go at using Just2Write this week to type up our Viking narrative stories.

My Skills My Life workshop showing us lots of different skills and what different skills jobs require 😊

We used Go Noodle to focus on our breathing. 💨

We have started some artwork relating to our topic Raiders and Traders. Can you guess what we are making? 🧐

We have taken part in a few Child Wellness Activities - some very related to our Take 5 scheme!

Internet Safety Day 2022 has been a blast, we had so many fun activities to complete!

All of P6 and P7 enjoyed our visitors from Ballymena Academy coming in to discuss their school.

We enjoyed playing headbands and trying to figure out the 3D shapes that were on them. Some of our partners made them super tricky!

What a start to Wednesday! Another P7 Accelerted Word Millionaire. A super proud teacher and Principal!

Fractions are awesome when chocolate is involved. Even better that we got to eat it also! 🍫

P7 had another great Healthy Me session with Colette today from Action Mental Health.

Cube numbers were P6/7’s new venture!

We loved trying new vegetables 🍅

Our Food for Life project with Maine Fold allowed us to enjoy some fruit kebabs in the shape of the grinch today at break time, everyone thought they were tasty! 😋

We were delighted to meet up with Maine Fold online, it was lovely to see all their faces and spread some Christmas cheer!

Square numbers are easy to P6/7, who will be the champion of the square numbers board game? 🤔

Our friends from Maine Fold brought us some lovely treats. We have lots of exciting samples of food to try with our Food for Life project. 🌶 🍉

We had great fun making cards for the residents of Maine Fold!

P6/7 we’re exploring square numbers today ▪️

What a fabulous treat afternoon for our P7’s. A great reward for their super efforts!

This is what happiness looks like, our very last balloon pop this morning, AQE and GL in the bag!

As part of their Flight topic, Primary 6/7 made some amazing model planes.

We learnt about the Bernoulli Effect and how it can affect the wings on aeroplanes. ✈️

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We found out how pressure worked on a piece of paper when we blew it.

Rocket thrust investigation 🚀

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Today, our Primary 6/7 pupils had a Question and Answer session with two MLAs. First they pitted their questions to Jim Allister MLA online and then to Trevor Clarke MLA in person. The children’s question covered a wide variety of topics and we thank AnneMarie, the Education Officer from Stormont for organising the meetings for us and to both Mr Allister and Mr Clarke for their time as we know they are both extremely busy. One Primary 7 star was especially delighted to talk to Mr Allister!

It may have taken twenty-four hours for us to get a solution, but we just couldn't let this three dot 24-Game beat us! An oscar worthy performance from this P7 gem!

Odd Sock day 🧦

This week was Road Safety Week - we looked at who are the road safety heroes and keep us safe on the roads! 🚗

P6/7 were looking carefully at measuring and converting. Who knew we had such amazing and accurate measurers in our room!

NI Water were out delivering our awesome water butt today 💦

Some video footage in slo-mo of our rockets

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Sentinus were in visiting P6/7 and we made rockets! They were amazing! 🤩

Experiment Friday’s 😊

Penpal letters to Maine Fold!

Great perimeter work!

Our second millionaire of Academic year 2021-2022

NI Assembly talk from Anne-Marie - we know lots and lots about what happens in the NI Assembly now!

What a show! These are the carrots the children planted last school year, harvested just in time for Half Term!

Action Mental Health Lesson 2 resulted in some fabulous stress balls being created!

Number week has been super cool!

Our first millionaire of academic year 2021/2022

P6/7 have been learning about the dangers birds face when migrating. They have been very clever and turned this into a board game.

Take 5 was a big hit in P6/7 we took all aspects into consideration today! ☀️

24 game was our focus this week - we have been thinking about solving problems. We have some 24 champions in P6/7!

Healthy Heroes were in visiting P7 and they talked a lot about who to talk to and how best to deal with emotions.

P6/7 enjoyed their orienteering lesson on Friday - reading maps and symbols can be challenging.

Together we Learn
